Fashion-Products.uk Shop is committed to the highest standards of conduct and ethical behavior in all of our business activities and to promoting and supporting a culture of honest and ethical behavior, corporate compliance and good corporate governance.
This Policy is intended to encourage the reporting of any instances of suspected unethical, illegal, fraudulent or undesirable conduct involving Fashion-Products.uk Shop and provides protections and measures So that thoes persons who make a report may do so confidentially and without fear of intimidation,disadvantage or reprisal.
You may make a report under this Policy if you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a director,officer, manager, team member, contractor, supplier, tenderer or other person who has business dealings with Fashion-Products.uk Shop has engaged in Reportable Conduct, as defined below.
This Policy is made available to team members on the Fashion-Products.uk Shop websites (intranet and extranet),Kmart Group Speak Up website and such other places or wavs as will ensure the policy is available to Hoaobest team members and other persons wishing to see it.
This Policy does not apply to customer complaints or concerns regarding product or service which should be referred to the relevant store in the first instance or can be made on-line at help centre of Fashion-Products.uk Shop website.
Policy application
This Policy applies to all team members and officers of Fashion-Products.uk Shop and other eligible whistleblowers including contractors, suppliers and their employees and relatives.
This Policy also applies to additional persons who are eligible whistleblowers and have special protections under the C orporations Act and Taxation Administration Act as set out in Appendix A and Appendix B of this Policy.
This policy applies to all the countries where Fashion-Products.uk Shop have offices or business dealings with the contractors, suppliers, or third-party service providers.